Money Matters

Earlier this month, an article came out in The Atlantic called “The Secret Shame of Middle Class Americans.” The author, Neal Gabler, who is known for writing big biographies on people like Barbra Streisand and Walt Disney, decided for the first time to write about himself and about his secret, shameful struggle with money.  TheContinue reading “Money Matters”

Be Kind

Henry James once wrote, “Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.” And yet, in this vitriol-filled election year, with every American seemingly pitted against another, it’s hard to see much kindness. The rhetoric seems to beContinue reading “Be Kind”

Find Your Light

Recently I heard a leading expert speak on the topics of teenage girls.  She spoke about the culture of meanness and how girls use micro-aggression so that they can be hostile while appearing to be nice.  She talked about how girls don’t stand up for themselves and don’t take themselves seriously, how they apologize and deferContinue reading “Find Your Light”

The Best Gift

As Mother’s Day approaches, I always feel some disdain toward the Hallmark aspect of the day, with the overpriced brunches and the uncomfortable corsages.  Shouldn’t mothers be celebrated more than once a year at a fancy brunch?  Mothers need to be praised more regularly and more boldly, perhaps with banners proclaiming what we really want toContinue reading “The Best Gift”