Lately it seems that no one knows how to define what a woman is. I’ve heard women described as “people with cervixes” and “people with uteruses” but anyone who has had a hysterectomy will tell you that they are still very much a woman. We are called “bleeders” but that only applies to a handfulContinue reading “FOR ALL WOMEN WHO ARE MOMS”

You Are Loved.

As we head into Easter and Passover for so many people, I want to say that no matter who you are or where you live or what you believe, you are loved. There has never been and there will never be a person who is exactly like you. That’s something to rejoice in and beContinue reading “You Are Loved.”

Happy Spring!

Hi everyone– I hope you’re all doing well. How are you? A lot of you are wanting to try coaching but don’t really know what it is. Coaching is helping you get from one place to the other in your life, like a figurative Uber ride. Sometimes we get stuck and it’s hard to knowContinue reading “Happy Spring!”

And Yet

The world seems to be falling apart. Europe is at war and many pundits fear that this is the beginning of World War III. Civilians in hospitals and schools are being bombed. I saw one picture of a little six year-old girl, with cartoon characters on her pants, who died from an attack on aContinue reading “And Yet”

I’m Back

It’s been a long time since I’ve written. When I started this blog in 2016, I wrote weekly for 3 years. And then my teenage daughter got really sick and for the past 3 years I’ve only been posting sporadically. (She’s thankfully doing well now.) Since COVID hit, I’ve been thinking about how to haveContinue reading “I’m Back”

To Mothers Everywhere

On the eve of Mother’s Day, I want to honor all mothers, not just those who raise children, but mothers who carry babies and give them up for adoption. When you carry a child for nine months, there is a bond that never goes away, and giving your child up for a better life isContinue reading “To Mothers Everywhere”

Be. Kind.

I was born the first day of spring on what I called “March Twenty the First.” Even though it takes longer in Boston for spring to emerge, since winter is longer, it always does arrive, and when it does it is glorious, like an awakening after a long, deep sleep. I am grateful for theContinue reading “Be. Kind.”

How To Be Heard And Do What Matters (Pt 2)

This is the continuation of my last blog post… The decision I made in 2013, in response to feeling stuck and dealing with unremitting eye pain, was what really changed my life: I began writing consistently and re-found my voice. I had been blogging in my mind long before I started actual blogging, but everythingContinue reading “How To Be Heard And Do What Matters (Pt 2)”

How To Be Heard and Do What Matters Part 1

Thank you to all of you who responded to my recording of The Rose. I am grateful for your support. A number of you have asked how my music and coaching are connected, so I thought I would share a blog post that I wrote in 2017 for the organization Live Your Legend. Below isContinue reading “How To Be Heard and Do What Matters Part 1”

Shake off Winter Blues with My Recording :)

Hi everyone, I don’t know about you, but I find winter to be a tough season, particularly this year. It’s cold and gray in Boston for months on end, and right now we have dirty snow lining our streets. Today was hours and hours of freezing rain. COVID numbers are still really high– the USContinue reading “Shake off Winter Blues with My Recording :)”