I’m Back

It’s been a long time since I’ve written. When I started this blog in 2016, I wrote weekly for 3 years. And then my teenage daughter got really sick and for the past 3 years I’ve only been posting sporadically. (She’s thankfully doing well now.) Since COVID hit, I’ve been thinking about how to haveContinue reading “I’m Back”

How To Be Heard and Do What Matters Part 1

Thank you to all of you who responded to my recording of The Rose. I am grateful for your support. A number of you have asked how my music and coaching are connected, so I thought I would share a blog post that I wrote in 2017 for the organization Live Your Legend. Below isContinue reading “How To Be Heard and Do What Matters Part 1”

For Those Who are Waiting

I am continuing with sharing my earliest posts. This one is just as true now as it was 2 1/2 years ago. For the past few months, I have been taking time off from Facebook and feeling better than ever, because I don’t get caught in the comparison trap. I don’t have to read theContinue reading “For Those Who are Waiting”


Whenever I drive around, I see bumper stickers with something like “Proud Parent of an Honor Roll Student” or I see an elite college on the back of the car for all to see. I get that people are proud of their kids, but it reminds me of all the senseless bragging on social media:Continue reading “Proud”

Soccer Lessons

When I was little, soccer was just coming to the States as something big in California, and by the time I was in third grade, most of my friends played it. I remember playing in the hot fall sun, running up and down the field and following the ball, since I didn’t know how toContinue reading “Soccer Lessons”

Innocent Bystander

When I was in college and taking Psychology 101, I never forgot learning about the Kitty Genovese case, which took place in March 1964. A 28 year-old American bar manager was stabbed to death in her apartment building in Queens. Over 30 witnesses either saw or heard the attack, but none called the police. ThisContinue reading “Innocent Bystander”

Don’t Need to Know

Now that I have been off Facebook for three weeks, I have to say that I have a feeling of calm that I could not have predicted. The first few days of not being able to check it literally felt like withdrawal, like the time after my junior year of college when I cut outContinue reading “Don’t Need to Know”


I remember years ago having an argument with one of my friends, who is a gay Jewish man, about who was more oppressed. I felt that women were and he was sure that gays were, in addition to Jews. We finally gave up and laughed, because the whole thing was so silly. I think ofContinue reading “Affinity”

Try Something New

I’ve been feeling in a rut lately, between the 24/7 job of parenting, and work and house responsibilities. For many people today, whether they are parents or not, it can feel like a never-ending treadmill that’s hard to step off from. Going to Hawaii for a week with my family recently was a wonderful break,Continue reading “Try Something New”