You’re Gonna Miss This

Last summer, my husband and his three siblings gathered for 48 hours to be with his parents, given that their dad had experienced some health scares. It was a special gathering for everyone, particularly since in this case, it was just the original siblings—no spouses or children. They realized that they hadn’t all been togetherContinue reading “You’re Gonna Miss This”

Life Is Good

It’s easy to focus on the bad things happening in the world. This week, Otto Warmbier died, having been in a coma for over a year at the hands of North Korean prison guards.  I can’t imagine the pain his parents went through, knowing that their college-aged son was sentenced to 15 years of hardContinue reading “Life Is Good”

Ignore Instructions

Throughout our lives, we are taught that we need to listen to authority, follow instructions, and go with the crowd. That certainly makes for more orderly schools and work places, but it doesn’t work in emergencies. Even if we are alone, the voice of propriety may drown out our protective instincts if we’re not careful.Continue reading “Ignore Instructions”

Hurt Feelings

When I was little, I learned the old adage, “Sticks and stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you.” But that was before the internet and social media. Before, we had societal shame and advice columns like Emily Post to chastise people into better behavior and keep civility in check. Now itContinue reading “Hurt Feelings”

You Do Know

We have this idea that we don’t know what’s right for us. We need to read one more article, or consult our therapist, or check in with friends.  I find with my clients that so often when they say, “I don’t know,” they in fact do know. This seems to be a particular issue withContinue reading “You Do Know”